Working in harmony with your body (and each other)

The groundbreaking science behind our powerful liquid solution
At Symprove, we’re proud to put our trust in science. Our unique liquid solution is the result of 15 years of testing – independently trialled by some of the brightest minds at UCL and King's College London. All to help you wake up to the difference of billions of friendly bacteria, every single morning.

Backed by over 15 years of independent scientific research
“Bacteria are living and like to live in water, so a water-based product is going to be the most effective at delivering live bacteria to the gut"
Professor Simon Gaisford
100% of our friendly bacteria make it to your gut alive
Dairy free, gluten free, vegan and always free from artificial colours and flavours – our liquid solution is the key to getting friendly bacteria where they need to be.
Our unique liquid solution keeps billions of friendly bacteria alive and active.
By fermenting our friendly bacteria, they are well prepared for your highly acidic stomach environment.
Arriving alive and active, our friendly bacteria can get to work before they’re flushed away.

What goes into our powerful liquid solution?

Billions of live friendly bacteria
Unlike with other supplements, our friendly bacteria aren’t in a freeze-dried state when you take them. By suspending them in our patented liquid solution, they remain metabolically active all the way from bottle to shot to colon.
Clever gluten free grains
By using germinated barley extract to ferment our bacteria, we've prepared them for the highly acidic environment as they pass through your stomach. With nearly 100% arriving in your gut alive and active.
The wonders of water
Just like us, friendly bacteria need water to live. Our unique liquid solution enables us to keep our friendly bacteria alive and active – especially when taken on an empty stomach.
Dairy Free
Gluten Free
No Artificial Colours
Meet the scientists shaping Symprove

Professor Simon Gaisford
UCL School of Pharmacy
137 papers. 4 books. Head of Pharmaceutics at UCL. Professor Simon Gaisford is on a mission to help people understand their unique microbiome.

Dr Frederic Moens
Research organisation, ProDigest
Dr Frederic Moens is one of the bioengineering experts behind our liquid solution. Tapping into the latest microbiome research to make a real difference.

Professor Ingvar Bjarnason
King's College Hospital
King's College Hospital's Professor Ingvar Bjarnason is a world-renowned visionary with a holistic approach to gastrointestinal research.
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