Eight days ago, 175 cyclists took part in Ride the Change, an epic cycle from London to Glasgow, to inspire climate action ahead of COP26
The cyclists battled amber weather warnings, flooded roads, and steep hill climbs as they pedalled over 400 miles across 8 days. We’re proud to have been involved in this challenge.

We caught up with Ben Smith to find out how Ride the Change came to fruition and how he kept going…
“I shared a tweet in 2019 asking if anyone fancied cycling from London to COP26 in Glasgow. I was connected with Patrik Ewe from We Are Possible and Hermione Taylor from Do Nation who were thinking the same thing, both having previously cycled to COP21 in Paris (I took the train to that one). Arup provided some funds to employ Brake the Cycle and Adventure Uncovered and very quickly we had a brilliant team!
Then COVID! #cop26 postponed. Will it happen in 2021? In person? Virtual? Should we train? What will be the situation with hotels? We had intermittent teams calls over a couple of years and then just a few months out very nearly cancelled the whole thing. Then…at the last minute…what about a Crowdfunder? Could that work?
We launched a Crowdfunder, hit target and it was back on. Thanks to our headline sponsor Abel & Cole, silver sponsor Symprove Ltd and bronze sponsors AECOM and Cayley Coughtrie.
This week over 175 people have taken part. Those joining every day have cycled 425 miles. The weather battered but spirits were still strong.
I believe that individual action on climate change can count. And that choices we make as individuals’ effect how we are at work, and in our communities.
All the way along the route we’ve been met by people who ask us where we’re going and want to tell us what they are doing to respond to climate change.
What are you doing?
Make a pledge for me today. Help me get up the leader board. It only takes a minute and there is something for everyone.”
From composting your food waste and eating local, seasonal food, to washing your clothes at 30° and switching from petrol power to cycling when you can, click the link to make your pledge.
Huge congratulations to all the cyclists who took part.