Zanna van Dijk

10 Questions with... Zanna van Dijk

Hi Zanna, tell us about you and your work…

I am a 30-year old online content creator, sharing everything to do with wellbeing, fitness, outdoors and travel. I am also the co-founder of Stay Wild swimwear, a sustainable and ethical wild swimming brand.

How did you hear about Symprove and how long have you been taking it?

I have been taking Symprove ever since my emergency bowel surgery in 2019. It became an integral part of my recovery journey, supporting my gut health as I rebuilt my strength, and has remained part of my routine ever since.

What motivated you to get involved with Symprove?

After my bowel surgery I was keen to explore any evidence-based methods to support my gut health going forward. Luckily, lots of my friends were already taking Symprove and recommended I try it. I haven't looked back since!

What does your morning routine look like?

I wake up, brush my teeth, take my Symprove, head for a cold water swim and then once I am home, make myself a nourishing breakfast smoothie before I continue on with my day.

Where did your interest in gut health start?

It was mostly a result of my bowel surgery, but also I found that when I started eating a more plant-based diet my tummy took some time to adjust. I found taking Symprove helped me in that transitional period.

Top tips for looking after physical health?

Exercise in a way which you enjoy on a regular basis, eat 30 different plant foods a week and ensure you get to bed at a reasonable hour. You can't beat the basics!

And your mental health?

Cold water exposure is my favourite way to support my mental health, as well as daily meditation, weekly therapy and regular breaks from social media. I take my mental health as seriously as my physical health.

Why should people care about Symprove?

If you care about your gut health, you should care about Symprove as it is one simple step you can take on a daily basis to support it.

Original, Mango & Passion Fruit or Strawberry & Raspberry?

Mango & Passion Fruit always!

Sip, slurp, shot or swig from the bottle?


Describe Symprove in 3 words…

Effective, reliable and positive.

Thanks, Zanna!