Warm Squash Feta Salad

Warm Squash Feta Salad

  As autumn draws in and we focus on keeping our health as strong as possible, it is more crucial than ever to ensure we eat the rainbow. Doing this also means fibre levels are high, which will fee...
Miso Salmon and Rainbow Kraut with Miso Sesame Dressing

Miso Salmon and Rainbow Kraut with Miso Sesame Dressing

Serves 2 (with lots of kraut left over) Preparation Time: 30mins + 3 hours to 3 days fermenting timeCooking Time: 6 minutes Ingredients For the Kraut: - 100g live white cabbage kraut- multicolour...
People eating dinner together
Tips & swaps

‘How’ We Eat & Why It’s Important

The basic human need to eat has, in recent times, become a rather confusing and widely bewildering topic. This is likely attributed to the rhetoric (often misguided) around the foods we ‘should’ or...
Fermented foods in jars
Tips & swaps

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods - what’s the buzz about?   Fermented foods are those that have been produced via the action of microbes - a process known as fermentation. Before we had fridges to keep food fresh, ...
What Are Plant-Based Foods and Why You Should Be Eating them?
Tips & swaps

What Are Plant-Based Foods and Why You Should Be Eating them?

Recent stats suggest that one third of us have reduced our meat intake in favour of eating more plant foods, and with supermarkets dedicating whole shelves to plant-based alternatives, there’s no d...
Gut-Friendly Foods to Fuel Exercise
Tips & swaps

Gut-Friendly Foods to Fuel Exercise

Exercise is one of the ways to support gut health, so how can you fuel your workouts in a way that not only enhances performance but also gives your gut a helping hand at the same time? We asked di...
Fermented foods in jars
Tips & swaps

Fermented Foods, The New Gut Friendly Heroes?

From kombuca to kimchi (that’s fizzy tea and pickled vegetables) fermented foods have earned themselves a gut-friendly following, but do they really benefit our bellies? What are fermented foods? ...
Pints of beer
Tips & swaps

Beer and Your 'Biome

You love beer, but does your microbiome? Here’s what you need to know (and how to benefit from your pint). Beer. It’s a well-loved beverage - it has its own celebratory day (June 15th in case you w...
Foods to Boost Your Microbiome - dark chocolate, banana and nuts

Foods to Boost Your Microbiome

Chances are you’ve heard the word microbiome (or ‘biome for short) - but what exactly is it, and how can you keep yours in good shape? Microbiome basics The word microbiome is the collective name f...